Do Any of Our Politicians Feel Their Connection to Humanity

 I watched Biden's press conference, where he tried to show he was mentally okay, then confused Egypt and Mexico.  I got a text message from Nikki five minutes later saying that Trump is confusing her with Nancy Pelosi and Biden is confusing Egypt and Mexico.  Both old farts are on a downward trajectory as I am at 76.  I can not believe the American people can not make a course correction and elect Nikki.  I am not a big fan of Nikki, but I consider the cognitive decline of our President much more worrisome than someone I don't align with all their policies.  I actually contributed about $50 to her campaign, although resistance is probably futile. 

The confidential documents fiasco is another place where they need to throw out all the rules and start over.  Under present rules, everything is confidential.  If I were in charge of the world, I would charge Trump with perjury for his lying about the documents and then slap his wrists.   I would only slap Biden's wrists.  Saying anything about his mental health, whether true or not, was totally unprofessional in my mind from the prosecutor.  It makes me want to say they are all idiots.  Let's focus on the things that matter, like senility, January 6, Ukraine, Israel, national debt, etc., to name a few.   Perhaps let's even think about humanity and our connection to each other and all life forms.  Of course, that is asking too much.

Do you ever imagine a day when politicians and most of humanity recognize that we are part of the whole, part of the network of the living? Could they ever understand we can not actually sever that connection with our life force and the network of the living until we die, and perhaps even then, something of our essence lives on, if nothing else, at least in the minds of others, for a while. Our words, especially the written form, may live on much longer, but I digress.

Will humanity one day understand that we as humans can become so damaged that we can not hear the voices of the rest of the live forms on that network. Can the trump cult feel some feeble throb of the other live forces on Earth's network? Can Biden, as his dementia grows, still feel his connection with humanity and his responsibility to take action for the good of the whole.

All of this sounds like insanity to a world where connecting with others usually means staring at a small screen trying to decipher the meaning of a text carelessly written.


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