Trump Has Dementia

Trump has dementia.  What are the symptoms?

Ever notice how he confuses two different people? Like Pelosi and Nikki?  Classic symptom.  Ever notice how he slurs or truncates words or blurs them into an unrecognizable collection of syllables that sound like the words he is trying to say? Yes, classical symptoms.

Ever notice the mood swings? Full of energy and then sad and weighted down.  Well, that's not dementia. That is just his personality. But notice how he suddenly looks lost, mouth open, then looking for a word?  Yep, dementia.  I find it quite sad that everything is about a fight with him.  Where does he find peace?

Biden.  He's got an old, forgetful brain.  No sign of dementia yet. He is like your old grandpa who can't remember his grandchildren's names but loves them just the same.  I can't imagine Grandpa will run our nation for the next five years.  He will need a lot of handholding by people we did not elect.  Not ok.

Apparently, they are the best America has to offer. God bless America.

Below are comments from AI (perplexity):

Symptoms of Dementia in Politicians

Dementia is a serious condition that can impact individuals, including politicians like Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It is crucial to differentiate between normal aging-related memory changes and signs of dementia. Here are key points from the search results:In conclusion, while there are observations and opinions suggesting signs of dementia in politicians like Trump, it is essential to approach such assessments with caution, rely on expert evaluations, and avoid stigmatizing individuals based on speculative diagnoses from a distance.

Ok, since we are not supposed to diagnose from a distance, how is the public supposed to address their concerns about Trump's dementia and Biden's forgetfulness and lack of vigor?  

Nikki Haley and Chris Christi are the only people I have seen who are brave enough to take this age issues head on.   Let's face it, we killed the messenger with regard to Chris. In contrast,  Nikki has survived, but she is taking severe gut blows.  

Do Americans love their country enough to put aside their petty biases and address the age issues for both of the men?  How will history evaluate our courage?  The only answer I have come up with is to support Nikki.  I am not really a fan of Nikki.  I like Biden's policies much more than her policies.  But I love America and I have therefore sent contributions to her campaign because that is all I can think to do to save America?   Do you have a better idea?


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