The Wrecking Ball
We fear that disaster is coming. Others believe salvation is coming. Democrats generally feel the world is a good place to be and that things are improving. Republicans tend to believe that the world is not a good place to be and that things are getting worse. Salvation versus doom and gloom. Trump has been called the wrecking ball. Both sides agree that this is true. Amazingly, this is good news to some; to others, it is terrifying. The question at the center of all this controversy is whether our world is fundamentally okay with only incremental improvements needed or if our world is beyond repairing and needs to be leveled, allowing us to start over and rebuild our world. Hence, there is a need for a wrecking ball. So the first fundamental question is whether or not our world, our existence, is a good one or not. The world I live in is good. I have food, housing, reasonable health, and enjoyable activities to occupy my time. I do...