
Showing posts from February, 2024

The Wrecking Ball

  We fear that disaster is coming.  Others believe salvation is coming.  Democrats generally feel the world is a good place to be and that things are improving.  Republicans tend to believe that the world is not a good place to be and that things are getting worse.  Salvation versus doom and gloom. Trump has been called the wrecking ball.  Both sides agree that this is true. Amazingly, this is good news to some; to others, it is terrifying. The question at the center of all this controversy is whether our world is fundamentally okay with only incremental improvements needed or if our world is beyond repairing and needs to be leveled, allowing us to start over and rebuild our world.  Hence, there is a need for a wrecking ball. So the first fundamental question is whether or not our world, our existence, is a good one or not. The world I live in is good.  I have food, housing, reasonable health, and enjoyable activities to occupy my time.  I don't think of my world as being perfect,

I am a Masculist

Yes, I advocate for men's rights. I even advocate for white men's equal rights. When I first looked up the word that was equivalent to being a feminist, but that was a male, it said that I should call myself a feminist because it is a term that refers to equal rights for all people. But you know how we decided that you can't be a mailman because the word man is captured inside of the word mailman. So, we have to use the word mailperson. So, there's a lot of emphasis on getting the word man out of terms that refer to both genders. I've always thought this was a little on the silly side, but I understand the importance of words.  So, in that light, I thought it was foolish to call myself a feminist because it has no distinction from the feminist that everyone thinks of when you use the word feminist. After all, the word feminine is actually captured inside the word feminist. So I discovered there's this word called masculist, which is not very poetic, and it bring

American Hero: Mahomes, Biden, or Trump?

Superbowl. is tomorrow - American heros are more likely found on the footbad field than running our country. .Who inspires you? Mahomes, Biden, Trump or Nikki? Who will you spend hours watching - as you drink beers , eat unhealthy chicken Wings . as you cheer or pout three hours of your life. Compare that to your lack of enthusiasm as you go vote in November. Compare the joy you feel and how much you care about the game compared to the dread, anger and fear associated with voting in America. What's wrong here?. Why is there no joy into the Mudville of American politics? Perhaps the no authenticity in the tribalism? . Who stands for values anymore in either of the parties. It is all about reelection,money and influence. Who will save us? it has to be Us?We have to save ourselves So who would be better for America? . Biden, Trump, or Nikki? If you pick one of the two old farts and ignore their cognitive decline then I would argue you are not thinking of America but you are being loya

Do Any of Our Politicians Feel Their Connection to Humanity

  I watched Biden's press conference, where he tried to show he was mentally okay, then confused Egypt and Mexico.  I got a text message from Nikki five minutes later saying that Trump is confusing her with Nancy Pelosi and Biden is confusing Egypt and Mexico.  Both old farts are on a downward trajectory as I am at 76.  I can not believe the American people can not make a course correction and elect Nikki.  I am not a big fan of Nikki, but I consider the cognitive decline of our President much more worrisome than someone I don't align with all their policies.  I actually contributed about $50 to her campaign, although resistance is probably futile.  The confidential documents fiasco is another place where they need to throw out all the rules and start over.  Under present rules, everything is confidential.  If I were in charge of the world, I would charge Trump with perjury for his lying about the documents and then slap his wrists.   I would only slap Biden's wrists.  Sayi

Rich set our teeth on edge

There is a saying in the Bible, the parents have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth are set on edge. In refers to the concept that children suffer from the sins of their parents. In our case, the rich have spread the crumbs of their enterprises to their squabbling children, the Democrats  and the Republicans. They then have the media to blame the other side for their suffering.  And what is surprising, it works. The Democrats and Republicans split each other's throats as the raise prices, take away benefits, and take more of the pie created by the workers.  The top 1% not take for themselves the same portion they give to the bottom 50% and laugh as the conservatives and liberals cut each other's throats. They don't even give us good candidates any more. Which old fart are you going to vote for?

What's On My Mind

 I thought I would like a place to publish whatever is on my mind.  I am not going to cater to any crowd intentionally.  But I have biases.  I used to blog a lot about a decade ago. I had a few hundred readers on a regular basis and a few thousand on some of my more popular blogs.   But that was then, and now is now.  So, what is different.  Back then, they judged my blog by how much sense I was making and how much I was bringing with my words.  Now, readers will try to identify my bias and decide if I am in their tribe or if I am one of the others.   The merit of my ideas doesn't matter much these days. Most people just take the side their tribe takes.  If they decide I am on their team, then they listen and agree without examining my thoughts, or unfortunately, their own.   So let me tell you what team I am on.  The human team.  Humanoids.  Homospapieans. I would like to say I am a humanist.  I'm an Independent politically.   Okay, but what you want to know if I lean left or